Tuesday, January 29, 2008

1 year today.

one year ago today, at 9:37 pm to be exact, our lives changed forever. owen came into the world, and made us smile and cry and laugh and love more than we ever thought possible. 
thanks, bugs, for making this the very best year of our lives. we love you so so much...happy first birthday, baby.

and now, for his BIG ONE YEAR update:
-he is up to 15-20 steps now. (woohoo.) and is getting better each day.
-he is learning how to stand up on his own. and has done it on three different occasions.
-he is starting to point. sometimes with his whole hand and sometimes with his pointer finger.
-he says the word 'keys" for cookies. or at least makes a definite, recognizable sound.
-he likes to repeat after you when you say the word, "uh-oh."
-he understands the word "dance." and loves to shake it.
-he has his own playlist on itunes, complete with the caribbean amphibian song. and he has to listen to it at least once a day.
-he loves to touch and feel and flip through the pages of his books. but he refuses to sit through an entire story. (well, unless its his owen book.)
-he has figured out a way to open the kitchen door. and also how to open each of the kitchen cabinets.
-he loves to put things into a container and then take them right back out again.
-he can put his roll-a-rounds into the holes on his dinosaur.
-and he can drop his peek a blocks into the slots on his incrediblock.
-he has switched to whole milk. and can't get enough of it.
-he has two little front teeth. (which makes for the cutest little smile ever.) and a top one on the way.
-and he has become quite the little monkey. and thinks that everything is his own personal jungle gym, especially the couch.

well, i can't believe that owen's first birthday is almost over. or that i have a little one year old all snug in bed upstairs.  it is hard to believe how much he has changed over the past year. it certainly has gone by fast. i am just so thankful that i was able to stay home and enjoy every single minute of it. it truly has been the best year of my life, and there really is nothing quite as amazing as being his momma. i can hardly wait for all of the memories and challenges and every days that are yet to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy 1st Birthday - Love Grandma Bonnie