Friday, February 29, 2008

13 months.

heres the scoop:
-hes walking all over the house + lovin his new mode of transportation.
-he loves to carry things around while he walks. especially his big red ball.
-he says "uh-oh" when he drops something. and sometimes when he falls down.
-he understands the words "books, "music," and "ball."
-he tries to repeat after you when you say the words "sippy" or "doggie."
-he loves to pull out his books, flip through the pages, and "pretend" to read.
-if you ask him to give his turtle or monkey a kiss, he'll happily oblige.
-if you ask him to give you five, he'll pat your hand.
-hes waving bye-bye all of the time.
-and pointing when he wants something.
-his favorite toys of the month: his books, his balls, his peek-a-blocks, his bubble gum ball machine, and his cow xylophone.
-his appetite has really increased + hes eating everything.
-hes a huge fan of the grains. and especially loves his whole wheat bread and blueberry whole wheat pancakes.
-he likes to share his cheerios with hudson.
-when he wants a snack, he'll go into the kitchen and pull out a box of cookies or crackers and then bring it to his mommy or daddy for help. (but he always tries to help himself to a cookie or cracker first.)
-hes having a hard time with his second nap. possibly starting the transition to just one a day.
-he isn't quite as squirmy when getting dressed. and will helpfully push his arm through his shirt or jacket.
-he loves to play peekaboo. especially when hudson is under the blankets on the couch.
-hes really into the give and take game. and will do this over and over again.(really, this should have been on last month's update. oops.)
-he loves to cruise around the house in his new little people tot rod. and his daddy even sets up giant road blocks with pillows.
-he absolutely LOVES the theme song from the little einsteins and the backyardigans. both have been added to his mp3 player.
-and his new big talent of the month: clicking his tongue. so stinkin cute.

and this is not what i had originally planned, but as i was uploading video to the macbook last night, i filled up the entire hard drive. so today, adam and i are off to buy an external drive and start moving files. but until then, this short video from last month will just have to do. sorry for the lousy quality. but hope you enjoy his sweet little laugh. (just click on the picture to play.)

being tickled from casandra on Vimeo.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

our little dude

and i'm sorry that i haven't yet posted the video clips, but i promise to have them up soon.

Monday, February 18, 2008

because so many of you have asked...

adam + i are working on some video clips and hope to have them posted soon. also hoping to post a few pics of the playroom. so check back soon.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

valentines day treats

thanks to everyone for the fun valentine goodies.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

happy hearts day.

looking forward to spending the evening with my two cute valentines.
love you, adam + owen. xoxoxoxoxoxox

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Friday, February 8, 2008

happy birthday, daddy.

you are the very very BEST daddy in the whole wide world.
and here are my top 10 reasons why...
10. you sing songs to me.
9. you play all kinds of silly games with me.
8. you cuddle up and read books with me.
7. you give me lots of cookies.
6. you tickle me and make me laugh.
5. you always play with me and my toys.
4. you change my diapers.
3, you tuck me in at night.
2. you teach me lots of important stuff.
1. and you give me tons and tons of hugs and kisses and snuggles.
i love you soooooooooooo much, daddy.
love, owen bugs
(p.s. mommy wishes you a happy 29th birthday too.)

Thursday, February 7, 2008

grandpa scott is the best.

just wanted to share with everyone what a wonderful job grandpa scott did on making owen's new bookcase. we all love it so much. and i cant tell you how many times i have walked into the playroom to find owen sitting in front of it, reading and flipping through a book. its definitely a new favorite spot.

thanks, grandpa scott. its perfect.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

owen's first year

so heres the jpeg image of the 20 x 20 print that i designed for owen's alphabet party. its a collection of some of my very favorite pictures from owen's first year. you can see it bigger by clicking on it.

the actual print is mounted on styrene board and ready to be hung in the playroom. you have no idea how HAPPY it makes me.

Monday, February 4, 2008

just after his bath.

all taken with the old point and shoot.