Monday, October 29, 2007

9 months today

and getting into all kinds of trouble.
heres the scoop:
-hes crawling all over the place. getting into everything and getting faster too...especially when he sees something hes not suppossed to have.
-he loves to crawl around after hudson. and is always laughing and playing with him...they're little buddies.
-hes constantly trying to get to hudson's doggie food. (did i mention that he had two pieces in his mouth yesterday.)
-hes always crawling into the entryway to look out the front door. or to pull out our shoes.
-his favorite toys of the month: his rolling bongo drums, his ring stacker, his roll a rounds, and all of hudson's toys.
-his new favorite snacks: yogurt and arrowroot cookies.
-he loves it when his daddy shares his apple with him at breakfast. (its a special weekend treat.)
-he gets really mad if you try to clean up his hands and face.
-hes not a big fan of the turkey rice dinner. (but loves everything else.)
-hes napping in his crib. (today, right now, for the very first time.)
-he had his feet measured and is a size 3.5 in shoes. (the average of a 10 or 11 month old...hes always had big feet.)
-hes always taking off his hat and his socks and his shoes.
-he really doesn't like to have his clothes changed. or his jacket put on.
-he loves to scream. when hes happy. when hes mad. when hes crawling around. when hes playing. when hes hungry. all the time.
-he can stand on his own while holding onto something.
-he loves to listen to his owen book before or after naptime.
-he gets really excited when you play peek-a-boo.
-and hes still smiling and talking all the time.

(and a big thanks to grandma bonnie and grandpa doug for all of the great gifts this month...the dino pjs, the turtle pjs, and the touch and feel roll arounds. loved them all.)

Sunday, October 28, 2007

owen the octopus

so friday night we met up with grandma bonnie and julie and headed to valpo's downtown trick or treating festivities. once there, we met up with aunt kathy, uncle mike, aunt jamie, cody, hunter, hope, faith the bride, bella the witch, and aidan the monkey. we didn't do a whole lot of trick or treating since the candy obviously couldn't be enjoyed by the cute little octopus, but we had a fun time anyway.

more pics to come.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

happy wednesday!

so already today...
-owen has gone after multiple electrical outlets. (thank goodness we've got them all covered.)
-has dumped over hudson's water bowl, while attempting to get to his food bowl.
-has been constanty crawling around after hudson, trying to put his icky doggie toys in his mouth.
-has crawled onto the not-so-clean entryway floor a hundred times. (apparently this is his new favorite place to be.)
-and is currently trying to pull the camera cord from the computer, while stuffing a bunch of strawberry puffs in his mouth.
hes become quite the little mad man :)
but at least hes having fun.
and keeping me on my toes.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

the buggle scuttle

and there he goes...slowly making his way around the room. and as you can tell by his smile, hes pretty excited about it too. but this isn't your average run of the mill crawl. no...this is an owen original...which adam has lovingly coined the "buggle scuttle."

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

hes crawling!

so this past monday, owen crawled for the very first time.
unfortunately, my macbook is out until tomorrow, but i'll be back then with a full update and lots of pics. just wanted to share with everyone the big news.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

i just love buying hats for owen...

even if they are a little too big...

Monday, October 8, 2007

owen the very friendly ghost

we're definitely getting into the halloween spirit around here. owens all dressed up in his ghost gear. our house is in the process of being spooktified. adam's homemade tombstones are out. we've been hitting up the stores for more creepy decorations. and owen even got his pictures taken in his octopus costume. how could you not love this time of year...halloween is soooooo much fun.

and for some big news...this past saturday, while owen was holding onto his drop and roar dinosaur, he pulled himself up to a standing position without any help. as grandpa scott put it... "you're lives are about to change in a big way."

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

poor hudson

so ever since owen bugs came along, poor little hudson just hasn't had his picture taken very often. now, i know he probably doesn't mind that much, but its still makes me kinda sad. i mean, i used to take pictures of hudson on a daily basis. now hes lucky if i get one shot of him every couple of months. and even then, its usually a picture with owen too. BUT today, as i was snapping a few pictures of owen, i turned around and saw this little cutie...
...and i just had to take a few of him too.

and in other news...i have to send a CONGRATULATIONS out to hunter, who was one of fifteen guys to make all conference in cross country last night. not to mention, his outstanding time of 11:33 at the state meet last weekend. way to go, hunter!

Monday, October 1, 2007


Bong! goes the bell in the rickety tower,
Twelve times...that means it's Spooky Hour.
Listen! Hush! Oooh, what's that sound?
The midnight spooks are coming 'round...

[taken from the Spooky Hour by Tony Mitton]

i know, i know...he doesn't look that spooky. hes just too darn cute, i guess.
(and thanks to grandma jan and grandpa scott for the halloween pj's.)