Friday, October 31, 2008

happy halloween.

just a few photos of our little skeleton digging into his halloween goodies. 





Wednesday, October 29, 2008

21 months.

heres a quick update:
-he loves to put on a little one man circus show, where he'll walk on his tip toes, turn in circles, walk on his knees, and clap his hands. 
-he gets a little crazy trying to jump. but can finally get his two little feet about an inch off the ground.
-he has figured out how to climb up onto the toilet to get to the faucet at the sink. and of course, he loves to play and splash in the water.
-his obsession with wheels continue.  he loves cars, trucks, tractors, trains, tricycles and airplanes. 
-he has a tendancy to call everything with wheels a tractor. (well, except for a train, which is known to owen as a choo choo.)
-he walks around with his little hands clasped behind his back.
-he loves to ride his bounce and spin zebra.
-his tickle me elmo has become his new best friend.
-when he wants to watch a backyardigans, he'll point to the tv and say "show." and when its over, he'll wave and say bye to his backyardigan friends. 
-when he's thirsty, he says "drink." and when his food or sippy is all gone, he says "gone." 
-when he wants you to get something for him (i.e. a snack), he'll come and take your hand and lead you to the kitchen.
-and last but not least, he is learning what the time-out is all about. (specifically for throwing his toys and yelling at the top of his lungs.)

Friday, October 24, 2008

trick or treat.

we spent our evening trick or treating in downtown valpo with this creepy (but cute) little spider...  



and this charming (and very handsome) little vampire...



Sunday, October 19, 2008

fall fest.

yesterday we headed out to grovertown for the hensler nursery fall fest. owen ran all over the pumpkin patch picking as many foxtails as he could. he had a blast playing on the wooden tractor. he went for a short pony ride. and he even got to take home a tiny pumpkin of his own. here are a few photos from our evening.







Tuesday, October 14, 2008

a photo shoot for owen.

so i've been meaning to do a photo session with owen for quite some time now. he hasn't been as friendly with the camera lately, and i knew i needed to dedicate a whole session just to him. the weather today seemed enough for him to wear his new kick butt vest, but still warm enough to play outside. so with grandma b's assistance, we headed back out to our favorite apple orchard, and spent almost two hours running up and down the rows and rows of apple trees. i absolutely love how the photos turned out, so i'm probably going to post a rather annoying amount of them. :) but i figure thats okay since i've been slacking over here on the o.bugs blog. if you'd like to see the storyboard i designed, you can check it out over on my photography blog.

oh, and can i just say...i love me some owen curls.









Sunday, October 12, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

apple orchard.

as many of you already know, the county line apple orchard is a very special place for adam and i. we couldn't wait to take owen this year. and after several rained out attempts, we were finally able to visit the orchard yesterday. 

owen had a blast at the kids farm. he helped his daddy feed the goats. he ran around checking out all of the farm animals. he took a ride on the moo choo train. we couldn't get him off the tractors. and he loved playing with the pumpkins. 

we snacked on carmel apples and carmel corn. we took a tractor ride around the various apple fields. grandma bonnie surprised owen + adam with brand new apple hats. and owen even got a new special book from adam and i called little apple goat. it sure was a fun evening.

here are a few of my favorite photos. and just for fun, here is a link to last year's orchard post. 









