Wednesday, October 29, 2008

21 months.

heres a quick update:
-he loves to put on a little one man circus show, where he'll walk on his tip toes, turn in circles, walk on his knees, and clap his hands. 
-he gets a little crazy trying to jump. but can finally get his two little feet about an inch off the ground.
-he has figured out how to climb up onto the toilet to get to the faucet at the sink. and of course, he loves to play and splash in the water.
-his obsession with wheels continue.  he loves cars, trucks, tractors, trains, tricycles and airplanes. 
-he has a tendancy to call everything with wheels a tractor. (well, except for a train, which is known to owen as a choo choo.)
-he walks around with his little hands clasped behind his back.
-he loves to ride his bounce and spin zebra.
-his tickle me elmo has become his new best friend.
-when he wants to watch a backyardigans, he'll point to the tv and say "show." and when its over, he'll wave and say bye to his backyardigan friends. 
-when he's thirsty, he says "drink." and when his food or sippy is all gone, he says "gone." 
-when he wants you to get something for him (i.e. a snack), he'll come and take your hand and lead you to the kitchen.
-and last but not least, he is learning what the time-out is all about. (specifically for throwing his toys and yelling at the top of his lungs.)

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