Tuesday, March 31, 2009

26 months.

here's what the o.bug has been up to...
-he has added three new colors to his list: black, white, and brown. 
-he can identify three shapes: a star, a heart, and a circle. 
-he loves his fridge phonics. (thanks to the forts.) and he can even identify and sound out a few of the letters: h, n, t, x, and z.
-he could watch disney movies all day long if we'd let him. (he loves stitch, nemo + the jungle book.)
-he thinks he should be able to drive the v.dub, instead of his mommy or daddy. (he loves the steering wheel.)
-he does the hand motion for a choo choo train.
-when he sings, he tends to combine several different songs into one.
-he prefers to read his books all by himself.
-and he loves to play with his cookie cutters and playdough.

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