Monday, December 29, 2008

23 months.

heres the update:
-he is learning new words and phrases every day: all gone, all done, more, candy, santa, star, reindeer, kitty cat, panda, zebra, elmo, pablo, blankie, cheese, and couch.
-he is constantly talking about his grandmas and grandpas. and he loves to make nightly phone calls to all of them.
-he can locate his hair, nose, eyes, tongue, hands, feet, toes, and belly button.
-he can tell you what sound several things make: santa says ho ho. a dog say woof woof. a kitty cat says meow. a train says choo choo. a pirate says arrrrh. a snake says hisssss.
-he can identify several of the christmas items found around the house: our stockings, the tree, the star, the lights, the ornaments, the candy canes, and santa and his reindeer.
-he is becoming quite the little night owl. and will stay up as long as we'll let him.
-he likes to make silly (or scary) faces at us. 
-he loves to jump off the couch into daddy's arms. (and he even makes his own little drumroll sound.)
-he likes it when daddy takes him for airplane rides.
-he has mastered his shape sorter.
-he loves to vaccum and will help clean up spills.
-and he pushes the limits every. single. day.

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