Tuesday, August 12, 2008

ten on tuesday.

1. if you haven't already heard of the bento box lunch craze, you have to go check out laptop lunches. its such a cool concept...absolutely no waste and a simple method for packing healthy, balanced lunches.
2. and while you're surfing the web, cruise on over to etsy.com. the site is full of some seriously fun + creative handmade goods. (many of which are made by work at home moms.)
3. if you're local and looking for something fun to do with the kiddos, the town of valpo has started hosting 'downtown movie nights.' next up..SHREK. tonight at dusk on the west side of the courthouse. (thanks for the tip, kath.)
4. are you thinking about halloween yet? you bet we are...owen's halloween costume has already been picked out. all i can tell you is that he's gonna be cute + creepy. :)
5. i finally found a homemade playdough recipe that i love. no sticky residue, a cinch to make, and tons of fun. if you want to give it a try, you can find the recipe here
6. if you're like me and the thought of a germy toothbrush is just too much, you have to check out these super cute flipper toothbrush holders. owen would love to have the panda, and i think adam would like to have one of the dinos for himself.
7. owen has outgrown all of his current shoes and we're getting ready to order a new pair. what do you think of these little pumas?
8. i've already started hammering out the details for owen's second party. (i know, its still 6 months away. i will admit...i tend to get a little crazy with the party planning.) but its gonna be fun. 
9. we gotta send some love to the grandparents. thanks to grandma jan + grandpa scott for the new little adidas soccer ball. its a hit. and thanks to grandma bonnie and grandpa doug for the new books. he loves them all. 
10. and last but not least, grandpa scott will be celebrating the big 5-0 this saturday. can't wait to party with you, old man. :)

have a fantastic week.

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