Tuesday, July 29, 2008

18 months.

our little o.bug turns a year and a half today. 

heres the update:
-he can find his hair and his belly button. and we're working on the ears and the tongue.
-when you tell him no, he'll shake his head back and forth. and sometimes tell you no.
-he loves to look for airplanes. and will yell "see it" when he spots one.
-he loves to listen for trains. and will sometimes say "choo choo" when he hears one.
-hes added lots of new words to his vocabulary, including: stick, leaf, flower, shoes, hair, truck, plane, train, panda, duck, puppy, monkey, tiger, lizard, and turtle. (with turtle being the cutest word ever to come out of his little mouth.)
-he has added two new books to his personal favorites, including: corduroy + if you give a pig a party. (we could read these ten times straight and he'd still say "again.")
-he loves to look through his first 100 words book, and can recognize the ball, the duck, and the airplane.
-he has overcome his fear of bubbles. and is back to lovin his baths.
-he loves to brush his teeth and his hair. but he has started to pull on others hair.
-hes still a great little eater. and some of his more recent faves include: pb+banana roll-ups, mini english muffin pizzas, frozen melon balls, and strawberry/blueberry yogurt pops. 
-but he doesn't seem to be a big fan of green beans, lettuce, celery, or red peppers. (these tend to end up on the floor for hudson.)
-he still wants to be outside every second of the day.
-he loves to turn in circles until he gets dizzy.
-and he has learned to kick his soccer ball. 

and now, for a few more photos from yesterday's sprinkler fun...


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