Sunday, June 29, 2008

17 months.

heres a few fun facts about owen at 17 months:
 -hes climbing all over the furniture. and is figuring out how to maneuver things to get where wants to go. (i.e. pushing his owen chair up to the couch or using his little green chair to climb up onto his table.)
-he loves to climb in and out of things, especially his big toy basket or the bottom drawer on our armoire.
-he loves to push and drag things all around the house, especially his little blue stool and his wheely bug.
-hes really, really into certain books right now. 
-he absolutely looooooves the pigeon books. and would sit and listen to them all day long if he could. (definitely check out that link if you have a little fun.)
-he also really likes, if you give a pig a pancake, and all of laura numeroff's  books in that series.
-he has so much fun going for rides in his radio flyer red wagon. 
-he loves to pick dandelions. and will try to carry sticks three times the size of him. 
-he absolutely loves balloons. and always has to get one when we go to the grocery store.
-hes getting really good at going down stairs backwards.
-hes not a big fan of the sand at the beach. and absolutely refuses to get any sand on his hands or feet.
-he loves to snack on rice cakes and kashi crackers. and cheesy omelets have become a favorite for breakfast or lunch.
-but he does seem to be getting a little more picky with his food.
-hes always asking lots of questions. but he gets pretty frustrated if we can't understand him.
-we've heard him say a few more words this month: duck, again, balloon, and pablo.
-if you ask him if he'd like to watch a backyardigans, he'll excitedly run straight to his owen chair and cuddle up with his blanket.
-and he can show you where is hair is. and we're working on the belly button.

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