Monday, April 14, 2008

a day in the life of owen + adam + casandra

so recently, it seems like a lot of bloggers have been doing a day in the life post. i always enjoy reading them, so i thought it might be fun to join in. i actually wish i had done this sooner...seems like a fun thing to have recorded in our blog book. anyway, here is my version from yesterday. (so sorry if i bore you...really, there is nothing too exciting going on over here.)

5:45 am - adam wakes up and gets ready for work. i give him a sleepy kiss goodbye and tell him i love him and to be careful. (can't stand it if i don't tell him to be careful EVERY morning. ocd...i know.)

7 am - owen's up and talking and giggling to himself. we head downstairs for a sippy, then curl up on the couch to watch a backyardigans together. (while i try to wake up for the day. lol.) once thats over, owen plays in the kitchen while i get breakfast ready and some much needed laundry started.

8 am - for breakfast, owen has applesauce + a whole wheat waffle and i have a bowl of cereal. after we finish up, we pick out the toys for the day. and then play together until nap time.

9 am - we cuddle up on the couch to read his own book, and then it's upstairs for his nap. i spend some time on my lovely mac, check emails and blogs, shower, take hudson out, switch over the laundry, make a batch of wipes, and get the diaper bag packed.

11:15 am - owen wakes up as happy as can be. he plays in the kitchen while i get some dishes cleaned and his lunch ready.

11:30 am - for lunch, owen has beans, carrots, a slice of whole wheat bread, and some milk. i hold off for my lunch date with mom and koren. while owen chows down, i get the clothes folded.

11:45 am - owen gets cleaned up and dressed for the day. we play together for awhile and listen to owen's playlist on itunes.

12:45 pm - owen and i head out to pick up my mom for lunch. we meet up with koren and her 5 and half month old little girl, adylinne, at the south bend chocolate factory. (we have such a good time visiting and catching up.)

2:00 pm - after lunch, we all do a little downtown shopping together. we hit up the doggie store for some homemade treats for hudson. then check out lifestyles to see if they have any new ugly dolls.

3:00 pm - we head back home to get ready for owen's doctors appointment. my mom stops by to play with owen. i repack the diaper bag and then owen + i head out. happily, we get to talk to adam on his way home from work. (love that he finally has a cell phone.)

3:45 - 4:30 pm - owen and i hang out the doctors office. (fun fun fun.) we find out that he most likely has a food sensitivity and have to start all over with the fruits.

4:45 pm - we pick up adam and make a special trip to the beef mart to finish up our grocery shopping from sunday. (owen is getting a bit grouchy since he missed his afternoon nap, but still really happy to see his daddy.)

5:45 pm - we head back home and adam and i get dinner started, (taco casserole) while owen happily watches a little einsteins.

6:15 pm - julie arrives and we head to the gym. adam gives owen his dinner. (pasta and broccoli.)

6:30 - 7:30 pm - julie and i take a muscle conditioning class.  adam gives owen a bath and then owen gets some naked time. they spend some time playing, and then its off to bed for the sleepy head.

7:45 pm - i get back home, and adam and i have dinner together. then spend some time relaxing. (love this time together.) 

11:00 pm - off to bed.

so that was our monday...told you it was pretty boring. but thanks for reading it anyway. and sorry i don't have a pic...i didn't pick up the camera once that day. have a great week, everyone.

1 comment:

Melissa Hensler said...

Cute idea! It's always fun to see how other people live! Congrats on getting him to eat that broccoli!