Sunday, November 4, 2007

halloween fun + 9 month check-up

so last week was a busy one. on tuesday night, jonah, riley, adam, and i went out for some pre halloween fun, while grandpa scott stayed and played with owen. (thanks a bunch.) then on halloween night, we headed over to aunt kathy's house for some trick or treating. met up with grandma bonnie and aunt jamie's gang too. then it was out to grovertown for some late night halloween fun with grandma jan, grandpa scott, and uncle jonah. we had such a great time with our little octopus...definitely the best halloween yet. and owen scored a TON of treats. thanks to grandma bonnie and grandpa doug for the henley shirt, the listen up roll-a-rounds, and for the animal crackers and other goodies. (i think his favorite was the little halloween cup...hes found so many fun ways to play with it.) thanks to grandma jan, grandpa scott, and uncle jonah for the pjs (especially loved the spider ones pictured above), the halloween book, and the cheerios. thanks to aunt crystal, uncle barry, and trevor for the halloween peekaboo book, the ghost socks, and the mini owen sized flashlight. thanks to great aunt julie, great uncle eddie, molly, hannah, and olivia for the fun halloween cheerios book. and thanks to great grandma ann and great grandma and grandpa heeren for the cards and treats. he sure is one lucky little boy.

as for owen's 9 month check-up...we went friday and everything looked great. he weighed 18.12 pounds (25th %), was 28 inches long (45th %), and his head measured 44.5 cms around (25th %). he got his first round of the flu shot and goes back in one month for the booster. and tomorrow he goes to the lab to have some blood taken to be tested for anemia. after that, hes good until his 1 year check-up. i think his favorite part of the visit was when dr. ludwig took a look at this ears. for some odd reason, owen thought it was just hilarious to have that pesky instrument in his ear. he just laughed and laughed.

and finally...owen is officially sleeping in his crib. naps and all. for the past two nights, hes even slept twelve straight hours. sorta sad to see him leave his co-sleeper, but glad that he has transitioned so well to his crib. hes getting to be such a big boy. (sigh.)


Anonymous said...

such a big boy sitting on the stool all by himself - love grandma bonnie

Anonymous said...

so i am sitting in a class with like 200 people in it and there are like 100 behind me. what do you think the people behind me thought when my computer had baby pics on it for like 15 min. haha
by the way, my camera phone takes better pictures.
dougy fresh