Wednesday, August 29, 2007

owen is 7 months old today...

so lets celebrate by playing a game.

take a guess at how old you think owen is in the above pictures and then post your answer in the comments section at the bottom of THIS post. (click where it says comments and then leave your answer in the comment box. dont forget to post your name in the comment box too. if you dont have a blogger account, click anonymous and then hit publish.) the first person to get the correct answer (or the closest) will get a surprise from owen in the mail. and i'll be back later with the answer.

now on to owen's 7 month update...
heres he is with his new favorite toy. bop n beep, the ugly doll.
hes babbling all the time. lots of dadas and babas and a few mamas here and there.
when he gets excited, he shakes his head back and forth like hes dancing. especially when his momma sings or his daddy plays the guitar.
his favorites: pat-a-cake and jungle gym.
he can pick up a cheerio or a puff with his tiny fingers and will try very very hard to get it into his mouth.
he has learned how to spit out his food, making huge messes for his mommy and daddy to clean up.
he can walk while holding onto our hands.
he is getting better with his sippy cup. he can even hold onto it and tip it up all by himself.
he is just starting to do the inchworm crawl. he pushes off on his feet and his little tush pops up in the air.
he can spin around in circles while hes on his tummy.
he is sitting steady and playing by himself for longer periods of time.
he gets very excited when hes sees people that he recognizes.
he shows a lot of expression with his face.
he is very ticklish. especially on his little belly.
he purposely drops his toys so that he can watch where they fall.
he likes to hold onto two toys and bang them together.
he loves to play with tags, little threads, and the drawstrings on his pants.
he knows his name and will turn towards you if you call out to him.
and he has learned that he is the BOSS. and knows just how to get what he wants.


Anonymous said...

I think Owen is 4 days old in that picture. Aunt Crystal

Melissa Hensler said...

I guess 10 days old.

Anonymous said...

I think owen is 6 days old. We better win because Chris seriously analyzed that picture. He got out the tape measure and measured Ryan in his seat and compared it to Owen's size in the picture.

Anonymous said...

one week-love gramma bonnie

Anonymous said...

Hes really SMALL and his HANDS look BRAND NEW so im gonna say 3 days old!!!! Aunt Jamie

Anonymous said...

i am going with 2 days
love uncle dougy

Anonymous said...

5 days
love laura belle

Anonymous said...

The answer is 7 days old.